East Staffordshire Borough Council
East Staffordshire Borough Council
PO Box 8045
Burton upon Trent
DE14 9JG
Main Switchboard Telephone: 01283 508 000, 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday
Electricity Emergency
If you have or suspect an electrical power cut, call the National Power Cut Helpline on 105 (24 hours, 7 days a week).
The web link provides individual contact numbers for regional Electrical support.
Emergency Contact for Gas (Cadent)
If you can already smell gas and/or think there could be a leak, you should immediately phone the National Gas Emergency Service number on 0800 111 999* at any time of the day or night.
Emergency Contact for Gas (National Grid)
To report a gas or carbon monoxide emergency, or if a pipeline is struck (even if no gas leak has occurred) call 0800 111 999 – 24 hours a day.
NHS Non Emergency 111
You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation. Call 111 if you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency.
Police Non Emergency 101
Staffordshire Police 0300 123 4455
Contact the police by calling 999 to report emergencies or by calling 101 for non-emergencies.
Reporting an emergency
Call 999 if you are reporting a crime that is in progress or if someone is in immediate danger.
Reporting non-emergencies
Report crimes online or by calling 101 if they are not an emergency.
You can also call 101 to give information to the police or make an enquiry.
South Staffs Water Emergency
If your enquiry is urgent, please call us on 0800 389 1011 and a member of our customer service team will help you.