Agenda and Minutes July 2019
HEREBY SUMMONED to attend a MEETING of the BRIZLINCOTE PARISH COUNCIL which will be held at Violet Way Academy and Nursery, ICT Suite, Violet Way on Thursday 18th July 2019 at 19.00 – 21.00.
Barbara Roe
Clerk of the Council
11th July 2019
PUBLIC SESSION: Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Council. Questions may be put to the Council during this session for 15 minutes.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies Councillor Peters
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Declarations of Interest – Members are invited to declare any interests they may have in any matter identified for discussion at the meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Minutes of the previous Council Meeting (20th June 2019) – To approve as a correct record, the Minutes of the June Parish Council Meeting, held on 20th June 2019.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Chairman’s address
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Report by the County Councillor
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Report by the Borough Councillors
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Traffic Calming Measures
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Nature Walk – to discuss the recent work of Reflex
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Parish Plan
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Code of Conduct (Councillors to agree Code of Conduct)
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Newsletter Distribution List (to include new volunteer and amend areas)
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Brizlincote in Bloom
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Notice Boards – to discuss the possibility of purchasing new boards
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Update on Action List
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Planning
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Defibrillator
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Finance
Receipts | Expenditure | Details | ||
Net | VAT | Gross | ||
541.31 | 541.31 | Clerk’s salary paid into bank | ||
61.57 | 61.57 | Clerk’s expenses | ||
20.00 | 20.00 | SPCA – Training Course – W Qneibi | ||
134.98 | 134.98 | HMRC – Clerk’s PAYE paid by standing order | ||
757.86 | 757.86 | Total |
Breakdown of Expenses 12.32 Postage
20.00 Utilities
25.76 Ink
3.49 Stationery
61.57 Total
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Correspondence
AGENDA ITEM 19 – Clerk and Members’ Reports
To receive Clerk and Members’ reports – if any Member has any general questions about the Meeting or the associated agenda papers, or is unable to attend, he/she is asked to contact the Clerk of the Council by noon on the date of the meeting.
All members of Brizlincote Parish Council, Borough and County Councillors as appropriate and Burton Mail
Minutes of Brizlincote Parish Council Meeting held at Violet Way Academy and Nursery on Thursday 18th July 2019
Present Chairman, Councillor Robin Ludford-Brooks, Vice Chairman’ Councillor Brian Judd, Councillors Adrian Cowan, Bob Bidgood, Karen Hyde, Peter Marston, Lynne Campion, Sarah Moss, Rita Page and Walid Qneibi
WPCSO Ingrid Smith (part) + 1 colleague (part) and Clerk Barbara
Public Session – as there were no public present, nothing was reported.
32/19 Apologies – apologies were received from Councillor Marsden and Borough Councillors Peters and Wileman.
33/19 Declarations of Interest- no declarations were declared.
34/19 Minutes of the previous Council Meeting (20th June 2019) – the Minutes of the June Parish Council meeting held 20th June 2019 were approved by Councillor Cowan, seconded by Councillor Qneibi and approved all by with exception of Councillor Bidgood who was not present at the June meeting.
35/19 Chairman’s Address – it was agreed by all in the meeting that this item would only be included on the Agenda when it was deemed necessary.
36/19 Report by the County Councillor – as County Councillor Conor Wileman was not present, nothing was reported. However, the Clerk was asked to Minute that in our last meeting concerns had been raised about the proposed box junction at the end of Woods Lane. This was an outstanding item and the Clerk was asked to write to Councillor Wileman
to ascertain to whom our concerns had been raised, when they had been raised and what was the response to our suggestions. This information was required for the August meeting.
Action: Clerk
37/19 Report by the Borough Councillors – as there were no Borough Councillors present nothing was reported.
It was suggested by the Clerk at this point, that if either the County or Borough Councillors were not available to attend a meeting, they could send a report through to her to report at the meetings. This was agreed by all. Action: Clerk to write to the Borough and County
38/19 Traffic Calming Measures – Councillor Cowan said he had contacted Highways requesting a meeting with a representative to ensure that we were not doing something that would encroach on their plans. He is awaiting a response.
39/19 Nature Walk – The Chairman reported that all the repair work had now been carried out by Reflex. He said that the work had been completed to an excellent standard.
The Clerk suggested she write to Reflex and thank them for the work that had been carried out above and beyond what was expected. Proposed by Councillor Qneibi, seconded by Councillor Bidgood and agreed by all. Action: Clerk
Discussions took place about a possible official opening. Councillor Cowan suggested that we had possibly gone beyond that but perhaps we could do something to celebrate the anniversary of the first summer of it being open. Perhaps a Harvest Fest at the Hollows – also use the Grove.
The Chairman reported that ‘Friends of Scalpcliffe Wood’ were looking at building a pathway to meet up with the Nature Walk and putting signs up. One concern is the steepness of the hill. Councillor Cowan suggested Conservation Trust volunteers may help. Councillor Judd said we needed more signs in the Beaufort Road area and it was suggested
a route could be put on the website.
40/19 – Parish Plan – Councillor Hyde said the working party had met with Naomi Perry of ESBC who said she had never done anything with a Parish Plan before, so she was going to discuss it with someone in the Planning Department. Councillor Hyde said they were trying to engage younger people and it was important to see how many people we could get
involved from the community. It was suggested that a first community meeting be held in September at the Glebe, round about the 17th September. She asked if any other Councillors had got any ideas. It was planned to produce flyers and posters and hold face to face meetings with the schools. She also suggested it was mentioned in the Defibrillator Awareness session on the 7th August and hand out a small leaflet there. We need involvement from Stapenhill, particularly the Parish Council, but also the WI and voluntary organisations and the Scouts etc and local businesses. We need to find the best way to
introduce it. Councillor Qneibi suggested a Facebook page and all were in agreement. This was to be done with a working party of three people and all entries were to be put to the Clerk and Chairman first. Action: Councillor Qneibi.
Police – at this point the meeting was joined by WPCSO Ingrid Smith and a colleague, who apologised for not being in time for the public session, but they had been called away urgently. However, as she knew how keen we were for her to attend, she came as soon as the problem had been resolved. She was asked about all the calls on 101 that had not been recorded regarding the Nature Walk finger posts, she said she could only find the one recently made by the Clerk and one other by Councillor Hyde. Councillor Hyde said she had made at least two, one whilst the
vandalism was taking place. Councillor Moss said she had made one. They were asked to provide WPCSO Smith with the crime number so that she could look them up. Councillor Moss said she didn’t think she had been given one.
Councillor Campion raised the issue of the cyclists riding on the pavement and without helmets in Woods Lane. WPCSO Smith said, despite being there several times, she had not managed to catch anyone.
With regard to the vehicles on Grafton Road, only one vehicle was parked there illegally, and they could not get it removed. It had no registered owner and the Police would not pay the costs as it was the DVLA’s responsibility.
The Chairman thanked her for taking the time to attend and they left the meeting.
41/19 Code of Conduct – this document had been distributed to all Councillors prior to the meeting. Councillor Cowan proposed it was accepted by the Council, seconded by Councillor Judd and approved by all. Action: Clerk to forward a copy to ESBC.
42/19 Newsletter Distribution List – as the meeting was running behind time, the Chairman suggested the Clerk circulate the distribution list to all the Councillors and ask for their suggestions on future delivery areas. Action: Clerk
43/19 Brizlincote in Bloom – the Clerk informed the meeting that we had received a lot more entrants this year than in previous years and every section was covered. The judging would take place on Sunday 21st July and all entrants had been informed by the Clerk of their times.
44/19 Notice Boards – It was suggested to the meeting that we replace the existing notice
oards and that the one at Tesco Express be replaced by a double one. The Clerk was asked to look into costings and find out if we needed planning permission for the bigger board. She was also asked to write to the landowners at Tesco for permission for the bigger board. All of this information was to be reported at the next meeting. Action: Clerk
Councillor Campion also reported that to add seasonal decals on the boards would cost approximately £200 per annum.
45/19 Update on Action List – the Chairman informed the Clerk that this did not need to be an agenda item, it just needed to be updated after each meeting and circulated to the Councillors.
46/19 Planning – Councillor Page reported that the Council had no objections to any planning applications raised.
47/19 Defibrillator – an awareness session was to take place on 7th August at the Glebe.
Notices had been placed on the boards and in various shops and businesses in the Parish.
48/19 Finance – the Clerk informed the Council that one late invoice had been added after the Agenda had been issued. This was from ESBC for election fees.
Councillor Cowan proposed we pay all, this was seconded by Councillor Judd and approved by all.
The Chairman proposed we put our internal audit through Richard Newton again in 2020, this was seconded by Councillor Cowan and approved by all.
49/19 Correspondence – the Clerk had no correspondence to report other than anything that had been mentioned in other parts of the meeting.
50/19 Clerk and Members Reports
Councillor Page said the recent litter pick held by the WI had been successful.
Councillor Bidgood suggested that we erect signs saying ’Welcome to Brizlincote’,
Councillor Cowan felt it would be better if the funds were used elsewhere.
Councillor Bidgood also said that the memorial bench for Bill Warrilow needed treating. The Clerk was asked to source the treatment and look into what protective clothing etc should be worn. Councillor Bidgood agreed that once this was sorted, he would carry out the painting. Action: Clerk
He also reported that there had been an issue with a drain cover that had been moved out of place leaving a drop of at least 12’. He and Councillor Wileman had called ESBC and this had now been sorted.
Councillor Moss said she was sorting a letter re her recycled bottles.
Councillor Campion said she was also sorting a letter to the schools re the Art Competition.
The Clerk reminded all Councillors that no correspondence should be sent out on the Councils behalf without the approval of herself and the Chairman and agreement from all the Council.
Councillor Campion said she had received a complaint about the road being resurfaced in the Maltings.
It was noted that a new dog waste bin had been put up in Malvern Crescent and then removed straight away.
The meeting was closed at 20.58.