Agenda and Minutes July 2020
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend a Zoom MEETING of the BRIZLINCOTE PARISH COUNCIL on Thursday 16 July from 6pm to 8pm. Members of the public who wish to join the meeting should email the clerk on for joining instructions.
For Barbara Roe
Clerk of the Council
8th July 2020
Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Council. Questions may be put to the Council during this session for 15 minutes.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Declarations of Interest – Members are invited to declare any interests they may have in any matter identified for discussion at the meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Minutes of the previous Council Meeting (18th June 2020) To approve as a correct record, the Minutes of the May Parish Council Meeting, held on 18th June 2020
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Report by the County Councillor: Written summary to be provided, Q&A
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Report by the Borough Councillors: Written summary to be provided, Q&A
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Temporary Clerk – Update by Cllr Campion
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Finance report:
MONTHLY INCOME AND EXPENDITURE – 1st June to 2nd July 2020 | ||||
Receipts | Expenditure | Details | ||
Net | VAT | Gross | ||
555.46 | 555.46 | Clerk’s salary paid into bank | ||
138.80 | 138.80 | PAYE for Clerk | ||
Totals | 694.26 | 694.26 | Totals | |
595 | 595 | Overdue subscription paid to SPCA | ||
Please note that this report is based upon the most recent bank statement.
Current Account balance £30408.30. Training courses applied for £75 Chair £25 Cllr Qneibi
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Donation Request for Marie Curie to assist families in Brizlincote, no specific amount requested.
– Sponsorship request From Ingrid Smith CSPO for an electric bike to be shared between 3 officers covering Winshill/Stapenhill and Brizlincote, total cost £1500 looking for £500 insurance and maintenance funded by Police Authority.
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Social Media: Facebook and web site updates – Cllr Moss
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Brizlincote in Bloom: entries & update – Cllr Bidgood
AGENDA ITEM 11 – Good Neighbour Award: update -Cllr Qneibi
AGENDA ITEM 12 – History of the Parish: update – Cllr Hyde
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Christmas Lights: competition update – Cllr Hyde
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Nature Walk: bridge repairs, footpath & signs – Cllr Ludford-Brooks
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Planning: update – Cllr Page
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Summer Art Competition: update – Cllr Campion
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Bench by Post Office: update – Cllr Cowan
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Correspondence: dealing with emails – Cllr Moss
AGENDA ITEM 19 Clerk and Members’ Reports
To receive Clerk and Members’ reports – if any Member has any general questions or points to draw to Councils attention, about the Meeting or the associated agenda papers.
All members of Brizlincote Parish Council, Borough and County Councillors as appropriate and Burton Mail.
Minutes of Brizlincote Parish Council Meeting held via Zoom Conferencing on
Thursday 16th July 2020
Chair – Councillor Lynne Campion, Vice Chair – Councillor Adrian Cowan.
Councillors; Bob Bidgood, Karen Hyde, Brian Judd, Robin Ludford-Brooks, Barry Marsden,
Peter Marston, Sarah Moss, Rita Page and Walid Qneibi.
In attendance
County Councillor Conor Wileman (part of meeting only), Borough Councillor Bernard Peters (part of meeting only), Teja Nial (ESBC Building Control Surveyor, part of meeting only).
Chair Introduction
Before the meeting commenced, Councillor Campion, Chair, stated that we should record a change in standing orders, as with previous Zoom meetings, that the meeting is to close by 8pm as we are starting at 6pm.
Public Session
Mr Teja Nial, Building Control Surveyor, ESBC, attended to discuss the process of street naming for new roads.
He spoke about the street naming and numbering policy, his role, the council’s statutory duty, the purpose of the policy, the fee charging service, the consultation process, guidelines for the Parish Council, the consultation period, and the application process.
The council has a statutory duty to name and number new and existing roads and properties. This information is important for a number of reasons and requirements – for example the emergency services, legal transactions, deeds, and delivery services. The powers come under the Public Health Act. The purpose of the policy is to ensure all properties in the Borough have a legal registered address.
The councils Building Consultancy Service is the department responsible for the completion of the services they provide, new road and property naming and numbering, and the changing of existing names and numbers of roads and properties. This is the department that Teja Nial works within. His role, along with the naming and numbering, includes consulting with Royal Mail, and other council and government departments such as electoral services, council tax, land registry and waste management.
The street naming and numbering service is a fee charging service. The guidelines for the Parish Council include; street names must comply with national standards, preference will be given to names with local character, history and heritage, names cannot be rude or offensive, they cannot contain numbers, they should not be difficult to pronounce or spell, and cannot be marketing names.
The suggestion for a road name must come from the developer; it is the developer that is paying the fee. Any objections must be submitted in writing, with a reason which would stand up in court. If there is a disagreement between the developer and the Parish Council, the Building Consultancy Service would help to reach a resolution. The consultation period with the Parish Council is 14 days. The Building Control Surveyor has 6 weeks to reach a decision. If this deadline is not met, the developer is able to continue with their choice.
Once an application form for a new road name is received the Building Control Surveyor will decide if the road is to be adopted or unadopted (private). If the road is unadopted, there is no obligation or legal requirement to consult with the Parish Council. If the road is adopted, an email would be sent to the Parish Council with a name, or list of names, suggested by the developer, and 14 days provided for the Parish Council to respond. If no comments are received, the application moves on to the next stage.
Councillor Cowan asks for clarification on road status of adopted and unadopted. It is confirmed that a small road, for example the Long’s Farm development, is likely to be unadopted. Therefore, there is no obligation to consult with the Parish Council regarding street naming. However, should the Parish Council wish to put forward suggestions for road names, Mr Nial is enabled to forward the suggestions to the developer on receipt of their initial application.
1/20 Apologies
Borough Councillor Colin Wileman.
2/20 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3/20 Minutes of previous Council Meeting (21st May 2020)
Approval of the Minutes (18th June 2020) was proposed by Councillor Bidgood, seconded by Councillor Page, unanimously approved.
4/20 Report by the County Councillor
Councillor Conor Wileman provided us with a report prior to the meeting. As part of the Government’s Emergency Active Travel Fund, Staffordshire County Council will reduce the speed on St Peter’s Bridge to 30 mph and include bike stencils on the road to remind drivers that cyclists use the road – this is to encourage cyclists to use the road rather than pavement when travelling across the bridge and make it safer for all. Councillor Hyde expressed concerns that this approach may not improve the safety conditions, and that providing cycle lanes on the footpath would be a more suitable option to improve safety for all users. Councillor Conor Wileman also discussed that there are long term potential plans to create a new foot/cycle bridge across the river so that St. Peter’s Bridge could be vehicular only.
A full schedule of gulley repairs has been sent to Staffordshire County Council. Work should be carried out this summer and Spring Terrace Road will be the focus of the works in Brizlincote.
Staffordshire County Council has announced a new Covid 19 recovery fund (£2,000 for each County Councillor) – we should contact Councillor Conor Wileman if we think a scheme or organisation may benefit parishioners.
County Councillors previously had a £2500 fund for the ‘response phase’, used for things such as getting food parcels out to residents and providing advice leaflets. The recovery fund is to help look at what happens next; perhaps assist people who are now out of work, or those that may be getting into debt and providing support via services such as the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Model Dairy Farm updates were provided. Firstly, following the discussion about extending the double yellow lines around the new Tutbury Road on Grafton Road. The latest Traffic Regulation Order does show this, and there will be the ability to review this should it become that more cars park further up Grafton Road once more houses are occupied. Strata have made the connection to the Severn Trent Water sewer on Violet Way, which should alleviate the issues of surface water run off on the road. Councillor Conor Wileman will ensure Strata make good the areas of deterioration on the road surface.
With regards to the bus shelter request, it has been stated that it is not possible to install a bus shelter at the south side stop. Following a suggestion from Councillor Marston that the stop be moved further up Grafton Road, Councillor Conor Wileman was informed that it would conflict with the Sefton Road junction and that the footpath is not wide enough to accommodate a shelter. It was also stated that the bus stop does not qualify for Real Time Information boards as they are not used by enough passengers – however this decision is still being challenged. Councillor Marston suggested that a raised pavement at the existing bus stop on the north side of Grafton Road, near the new housing development, would be welcome. A Real Time Passenger Information panel would be beneficial, especially at the south side bus stop, as bus times into Burton can be delayed.
Finally, Councillor Conor Wileman has no further update about the proposed raised table and alterations to the Grafton Road junction but will keep all informed as and when he receives information.
Councillor Cowan enquired into the possibility of the developer funding a shelter elsewhere so that Brizlincote residents still benefit in some way -for example by The Glebe which is on a main route serviced by many buses.
Councillor Conor Wileman said that he will take the suggestion forward, however it may be unlikely given that the developer will have already been informed that no bus shelter needs to be provided, and also that the suggested stop is not in the immediate vicinity of the development site.
The Borough Councillors will update the Parish Council regarding the culvert.
In response to the request for a contribution towards the PCSO E-Bike, Councillor Conor Wileman has spoken with the Police Fire and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Ellis who will investigate this for us.
Mr Ellis stated that based on the facts that was in possession of he would advise Councillor Conor Wileman the he could see no reason why the Police could not fund the E-Bike out of their budget and he was going to get back to Councillor Conor Wileman regarding this.
Action: Councillor Conor Wileman to update us on the E-bike situation, and the raised table on Grafton Road, when the information is available.
5/20 Report by the Borough Councillors
Prior to the meeting, Councillor Peters provided the Parish Council with the following report on behalf of himself and Councillor Colin Wileman and invited us to ask any questions.
The flower bed at the Tesco Express junction on Beaufort Road is being re-planted by ESBC contractors.
The open green space on Redwood Drive is having the rotten wooden posts replaced.
The collation of street signage data is ongoing and Councillor Peters asked could the Parish Council advise if any information has been sent to them. To date, the Parish Council has not received any.
Model Dairy Farm/Strata site location, the storm drain culvert work is understood to be being planned – the associated tree work on the bank is now scheduled to start on July 27th.
Councillor Bernard Peters observed that Tesco Express, Co-op on Woods Lane, Chip Shop on Woods Lane, and the Post Office are all exercising Covid 19 measures to protect the public.
Councillor Peters had advised Brizlincote WI regarding the guidance on social gatherings.
Councillor Peters also reported that a CFF fund with a maximum grant amount of £1000 is open for applications from those who need help following Covid. He invites us to make anyone who may be interested aware, and to direct them to the ESBC website.
Councillor Cowan asked Councillor Peters for the feedback from planning about developments not having footpaths throughout. Councillor Peters advised that Planning did respond to the query but that he would need to revert with details on this. He agreed to update at the next meeting.
Action: Councillor Peters to update on footpath’s query at next meeting.
6/20 Locum Clerk
Councillor Campion reports that an alternative temporary clerk was identified and subsequently employed. Terms of appointment and other staffing matters will be discussed out of the public domain.
7/20 Finance Report
MONTHLY INCOME AND EXPENDITURE – 1st June to 2nd July 2020
a)The following payments were approved:-
Payroll £694.26
SPCA annual membership £595.00
Please note that this report is based upon the most recent bank statement.
Training courses applied for £75 Chair and £25 Councillor Qneibi.
- b) Appointment of Internal Auditor – Councillor Cowan proposes we continue to use Mr Newton as the accounts Auditor. Councillor Ludford-Brooks seconded, and unanimously approved.
Councillor Campion informed the Councillors that an extraordinary meeting will be called on receipt of the internal audit – hopefully, this will be week commencing 27th July- this is to approve the AGAR.
Locum Proper Officer will attend the Zoom meeting.
Following the Financial Report, Councillor Moss asked for clarification on what financial information to include when undertaking the writing of the minutes during the Clerk’s absence. The matter is discussed, with it being explained that historically, the account balance is not shown on the Agenda or Minutes, and that this financial information is available in the annual report. Councillor Cowan proposes that the Financial Report, included in both the Agenda and the Minutes, contains the account balance. Councillor Moss seconded. A counter proposal is made by Councillor Marston, who proposed that we continue as we have done historically. Councillor Judd seconded. Councillors Hyde, Cowan, and Campion vote against.
Action: Chair to advise Councillors of extraordinary meeting date once scheduled.
8/20 Donation/Sponsorship request
Councillor Cowan raised that a request for support was received from Marie Curie charity to support Brizlincote families. He contacted Marie Curie to ask for some information regarding how many Brizlincote families need support, and postcodes (no identifiable information). Marie Curie were unable to provide any information. Therefore, Councillor Cowan suggested that the Marie Curie request is not discussed as there is no information available.
A request for a contribution towards a bicycle for the use of the PCSO that covers Brizlincote, Winshill and Stapenhill was received. Councillor Conor Wileman mentioned this matter in his report (see 4/19). Therefore, Councillor Cowan suggested that the discussion be placed on hold, pending the outcome of Councillor Conor Wileman’s enquiries.
Councillor Hyde agreed to prepare a policy document in conjunction with Councillor Cowan to look at Charity donations or funding requests.
Action: Await Councillor Conor Wileman’s feedback regarding the bicycle. Councillors Hyde and Cowan to produce a draft policy document for donations for approval.
9/20 Social Media
Councillor Moss advises that we are still awaiting contact from the Digital team at Stafford regarding alterations and issues. The Facebook page and website are working well together; using the insights functions we can see that posts on the Facebook page are directing people to the website, indicated by spikes in usage. A reminder that Councillors can suggest content to the Chair for inclusion on the Facebook page and the website, and for Councillors to share posts.
Action: Councillor Moss to contact Digital team again
10/20 Brizlincote in Bloom
Councillor Bidgood provided a final update on entries now that the competition is closed. In total there were 9 entrants, 7 of which are previous applicants, and 2 of which are new applicants. Front, Rear and Sloping categories have met the requirements to continue.
The Containers and Baskets categories have not met the required minimum of 3 entries per category. Councillor Bidgood reminded us that prior to last year, these two categories were a single category, and suggested that we combine the categories for this year.
Councillor Campion proposed that, as a gesture of goodwill, we combine entries into the 2 categories of Containers and Baskets and allocate a single prize of £75. Councillor Cowan seconded. Unanimously approved.
Judging will take place on Sunday 26th July, by Councillor Bidgood and Councillor Colin Wileman.
Action: Councillor Moss to contact entrants to advise of their allocated judging slot, and to contact the 3 applicable entrants regarding the alteration to the Containers and Baskets categories.
11/20 Good Neighbour Award
Councillor Qneibi informs us that posters have been distributed to shops and supermarkets for their noticeboards. He asked us to continue to share on social media, amongst friends and neighbours, and perhaps put posters up in-home windows.
Action: Councillor Moss to share again on Facebook page
12/20 History of the Parish
Councillor Hyde confirmed no further update at this time, awaiting a suitable time to get started. The Summer Art Competition has a Covid related option, and entries submitted may be included in the time capsule.
Action: Councillor Hyde to update later
13/20 Christmas Lights
Councillor Hyde has no further information to report currently; it is considered too early to start planning. She will begin to prepare a draft poster for approval prior to the next newsletter edition.
Action: Councillor Hyde to produce a draft poster
14/20 Nature Walk
Councillor Ludford-Brooks has sent requests for quotes for the Nature Walk maintenance contract, and he is awaiting responses. He is also awaiting information from Councillor Colin Wileman regarding the previous recycled plastic boardwalk quotes obtained. He has advised that the bridge needs replacing, and we will need to obtain quotes for this.
Councillor Marsden proposed obtaining a quote to replace the bridge with the recycled plastic option considered for the boardwalk. Councillor Judd seconded the proposal. Councillors approved the proposal, with Councillor Cowan abstaining. ESBC installed the bridge with a no-maintenance clause, however we will ask Borough Councillors Bernard Peters and Colin Wileman if they are able to locate the original information/plans to assist with replacement quote. Applications for a Grant to assist with the funding would be beneficial.
Councillor Marston raised that the area around the kissing gate is very muddy due to surface water, and that the condition of the path is poor. He asked if this could be inspected and assessed.
Action: Councillor Ludford-Brooks to report on quotes when received. Councillor Moss to email Borough Councillors regarding original bridge plans. Chair to contact Councillor Colin Wileman to arrange a convenient time to assess Nature Walk with Councillor Marston.
15/20 Planning
Councillor Page provides details on the following planning applications, no concerns raised:
P/2020578 90 Spring Terrace Road
P/2020/00573 54 Cricketers Close
P/2020/00640 10 Ashbrook
P/2020/00694 14 Celandine Close
The permissions granted were for:
7 Chatfield Close
35 Grafton Road
4 Grasmere Close
Councillor Page mentioned that she had emailed Staffordshire County Council regarding the condition of the pavement and overhanging hedge on the corner of Sefton close and Grafton Road; she has been advised that someone was coming to look at it but up to present this has not happened.
Action: None
16/20 Summer Art Competition
Councillor Campion provided an update on the progress of the competition. Responses have been positive from several of the schools contacted and it is hoped that in September we will be able to collect the entries submitted. The format of the presentation of awards/exhibiting the entries is yet to be decided, it will likely be digital due to Covid restrictions, and will depend on what is submitted. The categories allow for wildlife art works, and Covid related artworks. Covid related artworks will potentially be included within the planned History of the Parish time capsule.
Action: Chair
17/20 Bench by Post Office
Councillor Cowan confirmed that the refurbishment of the bench should be underway within 4 weeks.
Action: None
18/20 Correspondence
Councillor Moss confirms all emails have been forward as required. No further correspondence to report.
Councillor Cowan highlighted an increased number of emails being forwarded from the clerk email. Councillor Judd feels this is partly due to an increase in the number of emails being received with Covid related updates. We will continue to forward all of them for the Councillors information. These circulars from sources such as SPCA and NALC are worth reading, and Councillor Cowan invited Councillors to inform the Chair should they find anything they feel should be raised at a meeting.
Action: Councillor Moss will continue to forward emails.
19/20 Clerk and Members’ Report
Councillor Cowan encouraged everybody to access the Boundary Commission review of Wards and comment in the revision for Brizlincote Ward, not to be confused with the Parish boundary.
Councillor Bidgood reports that the Bill Warrilow bench is in need of a treatment. Councillor Judd advised that has the materials and he aims to undertake the work at the weekend.
Councillor Page reports that an outdoor WI group meeting went ahead although she did not attend and advised that the WI plans to continue their meetings.
Councillor Page enquired about locating the owner of the patch of land at the corner of Holme Farm Avenue and Woods lane. The land is not being consistently cleaned/maintained.
Councillor Marsden reported that the overhanging branches next to the new pedestrian crossing by Stapenhill Hollow need attention. Councillors are unsure if these form part of ESBC land, or part of the Civic Society arboretum. Advised to contact Open Spaces in the first instance to enquire.
Action: Councillor Marsden will contact Open Spaces.
The next Parish Council meeting would be on Thursday 20th August 2020.
The meeting closed at 19.46
Signed: …………………………………………………………………….
Date: ……………………………………………………………………….
All members of Brizlincote Parish Council, Borough and County Councillors as
appropriate and the Burton Mail. Action: Councillor Moss