Agenda and Minutes June 2020
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend a Zoom MEETING of the BRIZLINCOTE PARISH COUNCIL on Thursday 18th June from 6pm to 8pm. Members of the public who wish to join the meeting should email the clerk on for joining instructions.
Barbara Roe
Clerk of the Council
10 June 2020
PUBLIC SESSION: Teja Nial (Building Control Surveyor, East Staffs Borough Council ) has agreed to attend the meeting in order to advise us how decisions regarding street naming are reached.
Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Council. Questions may be put to the Council during this session for 15 minutes.
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Apologies
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Declarations of Interest – Members are invited to declare any interests they may have in any matter identified for discussion at the meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Minutes of the previous Council Meeting (14 th May 2020) To approve as a correct record, the Minutes of the May Parish Council Meeting, held on 14 th May 2020
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Report by the County Councillor: Written summary to be provided
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Report by the Borough Councillors: Written summary to be provided
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Motions
A) That the Parish Council supports the Joint Parish Council COVID19 Fund in East Staffs and agrees to donate £100 toward the food banks at this difficult time. Details circulated already.
B) That the Parish Council agrees to employ a temporary Clerk to cover the sickness absence of the Clerk.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Working parties:
a) Consolidation of existing working parties
b) To form a new working party to look into available grants – Cllr Campion
AGENDA ITEM 8 – Social Media: Facebook and web site updates – Cllr Moss
AGENDA ITEM 9 – Brizlincote in Bloom: overview and entries – Cllr Bidgood
AGENDA ITEM 10 – Good Neighbour Award: outline and plan, seeking approval -Cllr Qneibi
AGENDA ITEM 11 – History of the Parish: life during the pandemic – Cllr Hyde
AGENDA ITEM 12 – Christmas Lights: competition outline – Cllr Hyde
AGENDA ITEM 13 – Nature Walk: bridge repair and signs – Cllr Ludford-Brooks
AGENDA ITEM 14 – Planning: update – Cllr Page
AGENDA ITEM 15 – Summer Art Competition: update – Cllr Campion
AGENDA ITEM 16 – Bench by Post Office: update – Cllr Cowan
AGENDA ITEM 17 – Finance report:
Receipts Expenditure Details
Net VAT Gross
555.46 555.46 Clerk’s salary paid into bank
PAYE for Clerk
Totals 694.26 694.26 Totals
440 Grant to EdgeHill
71.50 Egg Hunt and Flowers
Please note that this report is based upon the most recent bank statement. The liability payments will be made when the new cheque book arrives. Half the precept from ESBC received in April £7503.88
Current Account balance £31614.06
AGENDA ITEM 18 – Correspondence: dealing with emails – Cllr Moss
AGENDA ITEM 19 Clerk and Members’ Reports
To receive Clerk and Members’ reports – if any Member has any general questions or points todraw to Councils attention, about the Meeting or the associated agenda papers.
All members of Brizlincote Parish Council, Borough and County Councillors as appropriate and Burton Mail.
Minutes of Brizlincote Parish Council Meeting held via Zoom Conferencing on Thursday 18th June 2020
Chair Councillor Lynne Campion, Vice Chair Councillor Adrian Cowan (part of meeting only).
Councillors; Bob Bidgood, Karen Hyde, Brian Judd, Robin Ludford-Brooks, Barry Marsden, Peter Marston, Sarah Moss, Rita Page and Walid Qneibi.
County Councillor Conor Wileman, Borough Councillor Bernard Peters, Borough Councillor Colin Wileman.
Councillor Campion states that we should record a change in standing orders, as with previous Zoom meetings, that the meeting is to end by 8pm as we are starting at 6pm.
Public Session
No members of the public were in attendance.
1/19 Apologies
Teja Nial from ESBC sent his apologies, unable to attend the meeting on this occasion. His attendance will be rescheduled for another meeting.
Action: Chair (reschedule/approach alternative contact)
2/19 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3/19 Minutes of previous Council Meeting (21st May 2020)
Approval of the Minutes (21st May 2020) was proposed by Councillor Judd, seconded by Councillor Bidgood, unanimously approved.
4/19 Report by the County Councillor
Councillor Conor Wileman reported on the raised table T-Junction highway scheme at the junction of Grafton Road/Beaufort Road/Violet Way. The scheme replaces the mini-roundabout currently in
place. This alteration is funded by the Model Dairy Farm developer (Strata) and forms part of the planning application approved in 2014. Councillor Marston supported the 2014 application.
Consultation on the application provided the addition of a traffic regulation order (double yellow lines on the corners of the new Tutbury road leading onto Grafton Road). At this point in the
development, the Parish Council may be able to have an input into any alterations (for example extend the double yellow lines further along Grafton Road), however no formal objections can be raised as the planning application is already in place.
Councillor Conor Wileman confirms that the junction does not meet the criteria for stop signs.
It is expected that the road will be closed for several weeks, and hoped the work will take place during the school holidays. Route diversions will be in place for cars and public transport, however it is expected that pedestrian access will be maintained.
Councillor Conor Wileman was asked about the raised table scheme materials; he will find out this information and report back.
Following further complaints of lorries using Grafton Road again, Councillor Conor Wileman confirms that he had spoken with the developers and this had occurred when the building site re-opened
following Covid-19 closure; a large number of lorries were required in a short period of time and so Grafton Road needed to be used for access. We have been assured that this was temporary and should not happen again.
The Borough Council have confirmed the culvert tree work will be starting soon and so the work on the grills can be progressed straight after completion.
The sides of the footpath by Celandine Close will be tarmacked to prevent the overgrowth of weeds.
A Traffic Regulation Order has been approved for the corner of Holme Farm Avenue. Parking on the corner here has created pathway obstruction and visibility issues. Hope to have this implemented
over the summer.
Councillor Peters asks about the flooding issue in this area that has been raised prior. Councillor Conor Wileman confirms that by using his Divisional Highways funding he plans to have Highways
gully cleaner to attend to the drains along Spring Terrace Road. When they were done last time, at least 5 drains couldn’t be accessed due to parked vehicles. If able to get all drains cleaned, if the problem persists then infrastructure will be looked at.
Action: Councillor Conor Wileman to reply regarding raised table materials
5/19 Report by the Borough Councillors
Councillor Colin Wileman reports that work has been undertaken in the areas behind Tesco and by the footbridge. The Nature Walk upkeep needs prioritising at this time of year, and the replacement of the footbridge also needs prioritising. Councillor Colin Wileman suggests the replacement be one made from recycled materials as previously investigated.
The Friends of Scalpcliffe Woods group will soon be undertaking a survey. ESBC have cleared the area at the top. Signs are being produced for the entrances. Fly-tipping has been reported,
Councillor Colin Wileman encourages us to report these occurrences. Contractors will soon be attending to the overgrown areas, awaiting the end of nesting season.
Councillor Bernard Peters reports that he is working with the Parish Council to collate information re street signage in Brizlincote in need of a refresh, repaint or replacement. Councillor Peters requested that details be passed onto himself or via the Parish Council, ideally by mid July 2020.
Proposed new traffic junction Grafton Rd/Violet Way/Beaufort Rd, he had responded to Councillor Conor Wileman requesting STOP signage at the junction to alert users intending to turn left or right.
Councillor Conor Wileman earlier confirmed the junction does not qualify.
Longs Farm, 7 Stanton Road, P/2019/01244, the proposed new housing development – requested the Parish Council to be aware of any opportunity to influence the name of the development, and/or
streets within it, in the context of avoiding the developer allocating names as per the Model Dairy Farm Development. Councillor Campion confirms she is in contact with Building Consultancy ESBC regarding this.
Following a recent online forum chaired by the MP Kate Griffiths when representation were made to reinstate the Parish Forum meetings chaired by ESBC. The Chair acknowledged receipt of a letter from ESBC and confirmed Brizlincote Parish Council have responded affirmatively.
Strata Homes development – ESBC informed the Ward Councillors prior to the meeting that conditions were now acceptable to proceed with clearance and bank work adjacent to the brook.
Following the receipt of a report from Councillor Conor Wileman prior to the meeting, Councillor Hyde asks if the County/Borough Councillors can provide us with reports prior to the meetings in
future, so that we have the opportunity to consider relevant questions/comments to raise at the meeting.
Action: County/Borough Councillors have agreed to provide reports prior to meetings
6/19 Motions
A) That the Parish Council supports the Joint Parish Council COVID19 Fund in East Staffs and agrees to donate £100 toward the food banks at this difficult time. Proposed by Councillor Campion, Seconded by Councillor Judd, unanimously approved.
B) That the Parish Council agrees to employ a temporary Clerk to cover the sickness absence of the Clerk. Proposed by Councillor Marston, Seconded by Councillor Hyde, unanimously approved.
Action: Chair
7/19 Working Parties
A) Consolidation of existing working parties. A list of Working Parties was distributed for agreement at the meeting. Each party has a minimum of 2 people. The list was unanimously approved.
B) To form a new working party to look into available grants. Councillor Campion proposed a new working party, Seconded by Councillor Judd and unanimously approved. The new Grants Working Party consists of Councillor Campion, Councillor Hyde, Councillor Marsden and Councillor Qneibi.
Action: Ongoing
8/19 Social Media
Councillor Moss provided an update on the website progression. The new website is now functional after a smooth transition. There are a number of minor alterations required, Councillor Moss is working alongside Staffordshire Digital Team to complete these. The transfer of the email provision has not been as smooth, however this was remedied prior to the meeting and is now functional.
Moving forwards, Councillor Moss will meet with Councillor Qneibi and Councillor Ludford-Brooks to ensure all working party members know how to manage the website (when Covid restrictions allow
an in-person meeting).
Facebook is working well, a reminder to send through information on posts to put on the page.
Action: All Councillors to provide information for consideration on the Parish Facebook page.
9/19 Brizlincote in Bloom
Councillor Bidgood updates on the progress of the competition. The 1 entry last month has expanded to 6 entries, and therefore 3 of the 6 categories will definitely go ahead. Councillor Bidgood has delivered flyers to local properties to raise awareness. He asks that the poster be
shared on the Facebook page again, and on the Brizlincote Residents page. Councillor Bidgood asks Councillor Colin Wileman if he would assist with the judging process, Councillor Wileman accepts.
Councillor Moss consulted with Councillor Hyde regarding GDPR, then contacted previous applicants, firstly to ensure they were happy for the Parish Council to continue holding their contact details in
relation to the competition, then again to inform them that the competition was going ahead.
Action: Councillor Moss to share poster again
10/19 Good Neighbour Award
Councillor Qneibi updates on the progression of the award. An updated poster has been produced, Councillors are invited to comment, and Councillor Moss will amend the poster as required. Councillor Qneibi asks that we share the poster online for more exposure, and for it to be put in windows/shops etc. Councillor Moss Proposes that the deadline is extended to the 30th September 2020, Seconded by Councillor Qneibi.
Action: All Councillors to share/promote in any way they can
11/19 History of the Parish
Councillor Hyde presents an overview of the idea regarding life during lockdown to create a written/photographic archive, which was sent to all in advance of the meeting. Concerns expressed about timing – perhaps too early. Councillor Hyde confirmed not looking to get this out to residents now, just an idea to work towards. Questions on how to distribute – suggest website, Facebook page and newsletter whilst still maintaining sensitivity due to personal losses and difficulties.
Discussion at this stage.
Action: Follow up in future meeting
12/19 Christmas Lights
Councillor Hyde sent an overview of proposal in advance of the meeting. Councillor Hyde pointed out this has been suggested since 2018 and would provide an excellent opportunity to boost
engagement and good times within the community hopefully, post pandemic. Councillor Colin Wileman expressed his full support and wanted to get behind the initiative fully. Proposed by Councillor Hyde, Seconded by Councillor Judd and unanimously agreed.
Action: Follow up in future meeting
13/19 Nature Walk
Councillor Ludford-Brooks updates us on the condition of the footbridge, maintaining the wild sections, and the signposts. The cost of repairing the signposts may mean that we need to look at
alternatives in the future when it comes to time to replacement. The current priorities are to get 3 quotes for replacing the footbridge, and 3 quotes for contractors to undertake maintenance.
Councillor Marsden offered to provide details of contacts for the maintenance contract.
Action: Councillor Ludford-Brooks to source 3 quotes
14/19 Planning
Councillor Page updates us on the recent applications:
P/2020/00483 Grasmere Close, no concerns raised
P/2020/00442 Brizlincote Lane, no concerns raised
P/2020/00347 Chatfield Close, (revision) no concerns raised
P/2020/00520 Wetherel Road, Councillors raise concerns over proximity of extension to neighbouring property, and over window location. The Parish Council will write to the planning officer to ask them to ensure the application complies with current guidance.
Action: Parish Council to write to the Planning Officer
15/20 Summer Art Competition
Councillor Campion updates on competition progress: Tower View support a Summer competition with Paulet undecided due to potential difficulties in judging etc. during the pandemic. Will continue to approach local schools for feedback.
Action: Chair
16/19 Bench by Post Office
Councillor Cowan moved to amend the previous motion about the bench being replaced, with The Parish Council can refurbish the existing bench in hardwood, at an estimated cost of £385, including
VAT, for labour and materials. The Parish Council approached 3 companies for quotes. It is proposed that we move forward on the quotation from DSK Engineering Services (Midlands) Ltd.
Proposed by Councillor Cowan, Seconded by Councillor Ludford-Brooks, unanimously agreed.
Action: Vice Chair
17/19 Finance Report
Councillor Cowan reported on the finances, with an update that cheque signatories and cheque book replacement are in place, and cheques have been issued as agreed at previous meeting. A payment of £595 will be added for the SPCA subscription which was unknowingly overdue (SPCA were contacted to explain the situation and reason for the delay). There are upcoming Training costs to be added. Councillor Marston Proposed acceptance of the finance report, Seconded by
Councillor Judd, unanimously agreed.
Action: Councillor Cowan to arrange payment to SPCA for subscription
18/19 Correspondence
Councillor Moss confirms that the email account is now functional, and all emails have been forward as required. No further correspondence to report.
Action: Councillor Moss will continue to forward emails
19/19 Clerk and Members’ Report
Update on Clerk: Barbara is home and doing well, the Parish Council will send another card to let her know we are thinking of her.
Councillor Campion and Councillor Cowan have a meeting planned regarding S106 funding.
Councillor Marsden has spoken with Winshill Parish Council regarding their transition from a Parish Plan to a Neighbourhood Plan. This will potentially be scheduled for the September meeting.
Action: None
The next Parish Council meeting would be on Thursday 16th July 2020.
The meeting closed at 19.57
All members of Brizlincote Parish Council, Borough and County Councillors as appropriate and the Burton Mail.
Action: Councillor Moss