Agenda and Minutes February 2021
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend a Zoom MEETING of the BRIZLINCOTE PARISH COUNCIL on Thursday 18th February 2021, commencing, 6pm via the platform zoom,
Meeting ID: 849 5186 2402 Passcode: 758124
During the Covid19 Situation standing orders remain changed.
Locum Clerk of the Council 11 February 2021
Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Council. Questions may be put to the Council during this session for 15 minutes.
1 – Apologies
2 – Declarations of Interest – Members are invited to declare any interests they may have in any matter identified for discussion at the meeting.
3 – Minutes of the previous Council Meeting – To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st January 2021.
4 – Chairs Report
5 – Report by the County Councillor, Borough Councillors and Staffordshire
Police: Written summary to be provided, Q&A
6 – Finance
- Payments schedule – Cllr A Cowan
Recipient | Description |
Amount |
SPCA | Training | 25.00 |
B Roe/K Lear/HMRC | Payroll | 634.00 |
K Lear | Allowance | 10.00 |
C Wileman | Maintenance/nature trail | 70.00 |
- Internal audit – Cllr A Cowan
7 – Planning applications and matters – Cllr R Page
8 – Community engagement
- To approve welcome pack and printing expenditure of £10 – Cllr R Page
- To discuss Spring/ Summer Newsletter – Cllr K Hyde
- To discuss Spring/Summer newsletter article – Cllr W Qneibi
9 – Events and Competitions-
- a) To consider alterations to our presentation of
- Brizlincote in Bloom
- Arts Competition
- Tiny Tots Easter Competition
- Xmas Lights
- Time capsule
b ) Proposed music competition
10 – Planters – Cllr L Campion
11 – The Nature Walk
Signage – Cllr R Ludford-Brooks
12 – Funding Sources Working Party update
13 – Grant applications
- Stapenhill Bowls Club – £2178.77
- Friends of Scalpcliffe Woods – £221.74
14 – Policies and practices
- Proposal to adopt the Document retention policy – Cllr L Campion
- Emails – Cllr A Cowan
15 – Officer report/correspondence
16 – Members’ reports
Cllrs L Campion (Chair), A Cowan (Vice Chair), J Trivedy (joined the meeting at 6.45),
W Qneibi, B Bidgood, B Judd, B Marsden, S Moss, R Ludford-Brooks, R Page
In attendance:
Borough Cllr B Peters, County Cllr C Wileman and Mrs K Lear (locum clerk)
Public session:
No members of the public were present.
1/18-2-21 Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted for Cllr Hyde and Borough
Cllr C Wileman
2/18-2-21 Declarations of Interest – None submitted
3/18-2-21 Minutes of the previous Council Meeting
Cllrs L Campion and S Moss wished to abstain as they were not present at the last meeting.
Resolved: that the minutes of the meeting 21st January 2021, were a true and accurate record and that the chair signs them accordingly
4/18-2-21 Chairs Report
The Chair wished to note that it was with sad news that
Mr A Goldstraw had passed away. He was a long serving parish councillor respected by fellow councillors and residents of Brizlincote.
It was noted that just for guidance that parish council meetings may revert back to public meetings from May.
The Chair made council aware that approximately £3K has now been secured for the Bridge repair works. Thanks were noted for the contributions received from ESBC Community Fund (Borough Cllr C Wileman) and SCC Climate Change Fund (County Cllr C Wileman).
The council were also advised that it was with great sadness that the clerk has decided to tender her resignation. It was noted that best wishes had been extended for all the hard work and commitment given.
5/18-2-21 Reports by the County Councillor, Borough Councillors and Staffordshire Police
County Cllr Wileman confirmed that the time frame proposals for the speed calming and dairy farm works are now likely to take place over the summer holidays. Works are likely to be 6-7 weeks. Delays have been due to land transfers etc. It was noted that the road would be closed during this period. Bus services will be suspended but the developer will be paying for some alternative services information in time will be supplied.
Gully works are continuing within the parish. Where water is pooling plans are being explored as to how water can be diverted to the nearest drain.
County Cllr Wileman asked members to forward to him any photographs of drains within the parish that still needs attention as the summer cleansing programmes are planned and where possible he would like to address any drains which are of any particular concern.
Parking, people, and traffic were raised as concerns near to Stapenhill Post Office and the Pharmacy in St. Peter’s Street. There was a brief discussion on possible solutions.
Grit bins were also discussed. Members raised a concern in relation to Ashdale Close. County Cllr Wileman confirmed that he would investigate this. Members felt a grit bin near to Violet Lane school would also be advantageous.
Council thanked Cllr Peters for resolving the litter issues.
Cllr Peters advised members that testing at Hillfield House in Stretton was available.
It was noted that the NHS staff were still under considerable pressure.
6/18-2-21 Finance
- Payments schedule – Cllr A Cowan
Recipient | Description |
Amount |
SPCA | Training | 25.00 |
Debit card | Microsoft licence | 60.00 |
B Roe/K Lear/HMRC | Payroll | 634.00 |
K Lear | Allowance | 10.00 |
C Wileman | Maintenance/nature trail | 70.00 |
The payments schedule which was presented prior to the meeting was approved. An additional expenditure of £60 to purchase the Microsoft licence was proposed by Cllr Cowan and seconded by Cllr Campion was approved by members.
Resolved: that payments be approved and processed.
- Internal audit control
In line with the financial regulations, it was noted that an internal control audit was required.
Resolved: that Cllr Moss would carry out the internal control check.
7/18-2-21 Grant applications
- Stapenhill Bowls Club – £2178.77
It was noted that members wished to offer a grant to the group.
Cllr Judd proposed that a donation would be given, and Cllr Bidgood seconded the proposal.
Cllr Cowan proposed that a grant was offered for £1K and Cllr Ludford-Brooks seconded this decision.
Resolved: to make a donation of £1K to Stapenhill bowls club.
- Friends of Scalpcliffe Woods – £221.74
It was noted that members would like to make a grant donation to the group.
Cllr Cowan proposed a grant of £221.74. Cllr Bidgood seconded the proposal.
The clerk was requested to write to the group advising them to consider exploring fund raising initiatives to assist them with their ongoing costs.
Resolved: to make a donation of £221.74 to Friends of Scalpcliffe
8/18-2-21 Planning applications and matters – Cllr R Page
P/2021/00042 – 33 Stapenhill Road, Change of use from residential home to children’s 3 bedroom care home – no concerns
P/2021/00095 – 45 Malvern Street, Erection of a single storey rear/side extension – no concerns
The following applications were noted as permitted by the planning authority.
P/2021/00033 – 2 Clay Street, Pollarding of 4 Lime Trees
P/2020/01382 – 7 Windsor Drive, two storey & single storey rear/side extension
P/2020/00860 – 12 Malvern Ave, two storey & single storey extension.
9/18-2-21 Community engagement
- Welcome pack and printing expenditure – Cllr R Page
There was a brief discussion on some slight modifications. Thanks were extended to Cllr Moss for the design work.
Cllr Page proposed that the leaflet be adopted along with expenditure of £10 for printing. Cllr Ludford-Brooks seconded the proposal.
Resolved: that the welcome leaflet be produced and printed. Cllr Page to circulate as required within the parish.
- Spring/ Summer Newsletter – Cllr K Hyde (Cllr A Cowan discussed this item as Cllr K Hyde was unable to attend)
There was a discussion on when the next newsletter should be issued.
It was agreed that editorial articles will be needed by no later than 24th April to ensure distribution towards 15th May onwards
Articles for the next newsletter were discussed along with a possible change in the overall design. It was suggested that members could submit articles for the editorial team to consider. It was noted that any articles needed to be submitted in word format and attached to an email and sent to the clerk. There was a discussion in relation to changing the header design of the newsletter. A member confirmed that he would explore what high resolution photographs he could obtain, if at all.
- Nature walk article – Cllr W Qneibi
It was noted that the nature walk would feature as a regular article in the newsletter.
10/18-2-21 Events and Competitions
- Brizlincote in Bloom
It was noted that Cllr Bidgood and Qneibi would suggest some ideas on the competition for discussion at the next parish council meeting.
It was noted that a possible adequate judging date would be June/early July
- Arts Competition
It was noted that Cllrs Moss, Hyde, Trivedy and Campion would discuss how to run the competition and present to council at the most convenient time. Cllr Moss to brief Cllr Trivedy on how the competition was hosted last year.
- Tiny Tots Easter Competition
It was noted that this could not take place this year.
- Xmas Lights – Defer item. It was also noted that the Good Neighbour Award initiative whilst not an agenda item, discussions would be deferred for a later date.
- Time capsule
It was noted that a possible location for the time capsule would be the cemetery and that the council would ask Open Spaces for their permission on this.
- Music competition
A proposal has been sent to Paulet school and how it would be operated. Still awaiting a response. Borough Cllr Wileman will liaise with the Brewhouse to obtain costings etc. There was discussion on which schools to approach and whether another category needed to be introduced.
11/18-2-21 Planters – Cllr L Campion
It was noted that the parish council would be interested in displaying
planters around the parish.
Planters by the post office, The Grove and Grafton Road were suggested locations.
12/18-2-21 The Nature Walk
It was agreed by members that no further works were required at this moment in time.
13/18-2-21 Funding Sources Working Party update
The chair gave an update on the working groups progress to date. The TTTV grant application was still on target.
14/18-2-21 Policies and practices
- Document retention policy – Cllr L Campion
Cllr Campion proposed that the policy was adopted, and Cllr Trivedy seconded the proposal.
Resolved: that the policy was adopted.
- Parish council email addresses – Cllr Cowan
Cllr Cowan thanked members for setting up separate email addresses for parish council business only. Those members who had not had the opportunity to do this yet, confirmed that they hoped to action this before the next meeting.
15/18-2-21 Officer report/correspondence
Items noted.
16/18-2-21 Members’ reports
Cllr Cowan informed members that there had been a system failure and as such the trees which he had ordered had not arrived, but these had been recorded. Open spaces would also supply and plant whips in the interim.
Cllr Judd raised a concern about the grit bins in the parish.
Cllr Bidgood wished it to be noted whether council should consider memorial benches within the parish. A member made council aware of other parishes policies.
Cllr Trivedy confirmed that his work in relation to benches/proposed locations was ongoing. The Chair thanked members for their contribution and the meeting closed.