Agenda and Minutes 21st November 2024
Members are summoned to attend the next parish council meeting scheduled to take place on
Thursday 21ST November, 2024, commencing at 7.00 p.m. at The Glebe for the transaction of the
business shown on the agenda below.
Public Participation
Members of the public and press are entitled to attend parish council meetings in accordance with
the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 Section 1 extended by the Local Government
Act 1972 Section 100 unless precluded by the Parish Council by resolution during the whole or
part of the proceedings
Such entitlement does not however include the right to speak on any matter except at the
beginning of the meeting. If possible prior notice to speak needs to be given to the Clerk by 12
noon on the day of the meeting
Any issues raised during public participation, no resolution for action can be taken unless already
identified on the agenda.
A record of attendees during public participation shall be recorded.
The public question time shall not exceed 15 minutes unless by resolution or at the discretion of
the chair. If a member of the public wishes to share a document with council, these documents
must be submitted to by noon on the day of the meeting.
The 7 principles of public life
Honesty and leadership.
Members are reminded of their duty under the Code of Conduct.
Kay Lear
Mrs Kay Lear,
Clerk/Proper Officer
Public participation – A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement
of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in
relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declaration of interest and dispensations
3. Third party reports (Brizlincote Parish Matters only)
4. To approve minutes of the meeting 17TH October 2024
5. To receive plans for the 30th November 2024 event
6. To agree budget for out of pocket expenses for Rights of Way Consultant
7. To receive update on land registry enquiry, replacement bench and agree the next steps
8. To consider budget for memorial tree along with planting
9. To receive an update on the finger post, information board audit
10. To receive an update on the traffic calming scheme
11. Financial matters
a) Payments for approval
b) To appoint tender for Community Orchard Works, budget up to £4K
c) To approve tender specification for works 2025/26
d) To consider membership for Support Staffordshire
e) To consider membership to SPCA
12. Correspondence
a) Planning applications and matters
b) Correspondence
13. To receive written application for co-option
14. Officer report
15. Member reports
Kay Lear
Kay Lear – Clerk/Proper Officer 13th November 2024
Present: Cllrs J Trivedy, W Qneibi, R Page, S Moss, B Judd, L Campion
In attendance: Mrs K Lear (Clerk & RFO)
240/21-11-24 Apologies for absence
Apologies were noted and accepted for Parish Councillors A Mason, M Day and
Borough Cllrs B Peters, C Wileman and Country Cllr C Wileman
241/21-11-24 Declaration of interest and dispensations
None submitted
242/21-11-24 Third party reports (Brizlincote Parish Matters only)
There was brief discussion in relation to the traffic calming workings. Members
agreed that correspondence needed to be sent giving their observations.
243/21-11-24 To approve minutes of the meeting 17TH October 2024
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting were an accurate and factual
record. The Chair was instructed to sign.
There was a brief discussion in relation to the recent newsletter distribution by a
third party. The clerk was asked to establish what had gone wrong. There was a
suggestion whether any monies could be returned along with any additional
copies which could be circulated by the parish council.
244/21-11-24 To receive plans for the 30th November 2024 event
Plans for 30th November were agreed. Everyone to arrive by 2.45, ready to start
at 3.30pm
– Clerk was asked to invite the Mayor
– Members agreed that the tree opposite The Grove could have solar lights
displayed onto it subject to land owners permission.
– Clerk to thank Tesco and the Co-op for their contribution.
Storage was discussed and the clerk was asked to order a similar storage unit to
the one which is currently in the garage.
It was noted that the garage door is difficult to unlock and if the clerk could
explore the cost to replace the garage door. Agenda item next time.
245/21-11-24 To agree budget for out of pocket expenses for Rights of Way Consultant
It was resolved that a budget up to £100 would be given to the consultant for out
of pocket expenses. Where possible receipts need to be supplied prior to
246/21-11-24 To receive update on land registry enquiry, replacement bench and agree the
next steps
Members were happy that the new bench is installed.
Minutes 21st November 2024 Page 2
The old bench could be installed in an alternative location.
Clerk to establish the proposed location for the bench to establish if this was
possible. Currently Cllr M Day has the proposed location details.
247/21-11-24 Budget for memorial tree along with planting
It was resolved that a budget up to £120 was agreed for plaque etc. Cllr Campion
offered to pursue this in the new year.
248/21-11-24 Update on the finger post, information board audit
It was noted Cllr Day has all the information. Item to be discussed at the next
249/21-11-24 Update on the traffic calming scheme
No further discussions.
250/21-11-24 Financial matters
a) Payments
Recipient Explanation Payment
Payroll Payroll – November 2024 743.60 GPC/EP
K Lear Office/telephone/postage –
November 2024
26.00 GPC/SO
C Wileman Maintenance/Nature Walk –
100.00 GPC/EP
Robert Lewis
Wrap works and planter
510.00 GPC/EP
Robert Lewis
Banners 90.00 GPC/EP
Gresley Band Donation 100.00 GPC/EP
Youth for Christ Grant reimbursement 91.59 GPC/EP
Glasdon UK Bench 1292.40 GPC/EP
Viking Litter pickers and cups for
30.11.24 event
141.13 GPC/EP
K Lear Reimbursement of items 89.97 GPC/EP
Urgent payments processed since the last meeting
Recipient Explanation Payment (includes
Minutes 21st November 2024 Page 3
Blue market
Newsletters 1554.00 GPC/EP
It was resolved that the payments would be processed.
b) Tender for Community Orchard Works, budget up to £4K
Tenders were discussed. Thames Valley were appointed for the works.
c) Membership for Support Staffordshire – It was resolved that the parish council
would not join this year.
d) Membership to SPCA – It was resolved that the parish council would not join
at this time. It was noted that the training offered is worth exploring.
251/21-11-24 Correspondence
a) Planning applications
P/2024/00554 – 28 Doveridge Road – Retention of a garden building as a dog
grooming business.
P/2024/01044 – 2 Marlborough Crescent, Erection of a single storey rear
extension, re-location of front door and changes to fenestrations on side elevation
to include new high level window
P/2024/00908 – 6 Clematis Crescent, Erection of a two story side extension, first
floor extension over the existing garage and single rear extension
P/2024/00998 – 2 Clay Street, Fell to ground level one leylandii tree (L1), reduce
the height to 3 metres and formatively prune two Leylandii trees (L2 and L3)
Community Impact Report on Carbon Footprint – It was noted that the carbon
footprint within the parish had dropped.
b) Correspondence
Resident enquiry – Members asked the clerk to contact the resident.
Members felt it was important that where possible enquiries from residents should
be directed to the councils officer.
Invitation 2 hour talk for the over 60s – Members asked the clerk to thank them for
their information. It was suggested that the speed watch group be approached to
establish if they are interested in meeting the Road Safety Officer.
Remote meeting – It was resolved that remote meetings would be supported.
Members asked the clerk to explore teams software when required.
252/21-11-24 To receive written application for co-option
It was resolved that Joe Fox be co-opted.
253/21-11-24 Officer report
Minutes 21st November 2024 Page 4
254/21-11-24 Member reports
Members enjoyed the visit to Whistle Wood Common to pick up ideas on
management of areas and how to get volunteers. The clerk was asked to send a
letter of thanks and send over the newsletter, map of nature walk.
The Hollows – There was a discussion in relation to relocating a board down at
The Hollows due to excessive flooding. Cllr Campion will sought some additional
Garden waste collection service – clerk to explore other contact numbers for local
residents and forward to members.
Paulet – Cllr S Moss new gates have been installed for security.
Climate change poster – Cllr S Moss will update the poster for the clerk to display
as appropriate.
Signed: ……………………………………………..
Date: ………………………………………………..